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Sunday, 15 May 2016

12 CATEGORIES OF STUDENTS OF STUDENTS YOU WILL DEFINITELY MEET AT NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY OF NIGERIA(NOUN) PART2...... 7. THE FASHION MONGERS: This set never see NOUN as an academic institution but rather as a stage for them to showcase their fashion parade. They always put on to-match wears with nice colour combination with an empty brain. I doubt if some of them can spell the name of their department. All they do is to wear nice, fitted, strappy, alluring and expensive dresses around to scare broke guys who can afford them. Ladies top chat in this category. 8. THE ENTERTAINERS: These ones are the talented students who are after social life in school. They can sing and dance at any party, they hate dull moment. They use every opportunity as a medium to party. They can organize new semester party, end of the semseter party, end of the lecture party, low G.P. Even when they get carryover, they still go ahead and organize a carryover party......wink. 9. THE INTROVERTS: This set is the direct opposite of the entertainers category. They don't play, talk, socialize or relate with anyone even their course mates. Their routine evolve around studying, reading and research. They can read their course materials to the end within the first week of every new semester. Girls love them but unfortunately they don't have time for girls. 10. THE TMA BEGGARS: This set does not care whether they are brilliant or not, but one thing is paramount with them and what is it? They lack self confidence. They believe solving the TMA by their selves might get them low marks and not the 10.0 they are actually yearning for. So the best the thing is to beg for TMA solutions from the FACILITATORS, SCHOLARS and THE INTROVERTS category respectively. 11. THE EXAMS FOCUS SEEKERS: This set does not read, study or revise for exams. I personally called them 'magicians'. All they do is to work, earn that cash and pay for exams focus a week or some days before exams and cram the hell out of it. At the end of the day, they make more 'A's than even the scholars but the sad thing is that most of them cannot defend it. 12. Add yours.......... COMPILED BY: SUNNY4PEACE

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